Reachability Deficits in Quantum Approximate Optimization of Graph Problems
Use absolute error or fidelity as performance metrics
the variational approach is as powerful as a general quantum computer.
However only restricted forms—which require significant classical resources in the optimization step—can currently be realized in practice.
High depth variational circuits of fixed structure have been proven to represent universal resources for quantum computation [14,15]. However, higher depth circuits demand a significant optimization task to be performed on a classical computer.
we propose graph density (ratio of graph edges to graph nodes) as an order parameter which correlates with the performance of QAOA.
density dependent performance (even in deeper circuits)
deeper –> better performance
density < 0.5 –> num of edges < 0.5 * num of nodes (sparse graph)
below densities of 0.5, QAOA shows the best performance independent of the number of nodes.
Beyond density 0.5, we find the performance to strongly depend on density for fixed number of nodes.
sharp fall-off behaviour in performance beyond density 1.5.
google, depth-3 QAOA circuit worked, higher had too much noise. till depth 5 tested
- from google’s experiemntal paper, 3 classes of graphs considered:
- hardware defined graph (edges fixed by chip connectivity)
- k-regular graph: each node has degree k.
- fully connected graph (SK model)
- performance metrics:
- error in energy relative error (energy obtanied/min energy expected)
- success prob: fidelity
- relative error (energy obtanied/min energy expected)
- better to use other metrics than relative error to study performance when density changes (graph or qubit size) are involved
refs: QAOA proposed in: 11, 12 QAOA for discrete ptimization: 2, 9, 10 universality QAOA: 13, 14, 15