Towards efficient readout of electron spin state in Silicon Vacancy centers in diamond


Efficient qubit systems are being actively researched globally. A qubit needs to have an efficient photon interface, long coherence times, stability and easy control. Some active systems of research include trapped ions, quantum dots and color centers in solids. Currently, the most prominent color center for quantum information is Nitrogen Vacancy (NV) center in diamond. The stiff lattice of diamond protects the coherent properties of the center’s spin. The spin-photon interface for NV centers is, however, poor. Silicon Vacancy (SiV) center has recently emerged as a competitor to the NV center due to its uniquely attractive optical properties. Compared to NV centers, it provides a feasible interface between stationary and flying qubits. This center has also been shown to emit indistinguishable photons which will pave the way towards scalable quantum networks. We use the extinction of light by single defects in bulk diamond to obtain high contrast resonant detection as compared to the usual off-resonant measurements over the phonon side band. This technique improves electron spin state readout when the defect is addressed resonantly and allows for single-shot optical readout of electron spin.

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