Optical extinction measurements on SiV centers in diamond


Silicon vacancy (SiV) centers in diamond are currently gaining scientific interest predominantly due to their uniquely attractive optical spectrum. The narrow zero-phonon line contains 70% of the emission, and exhibits excellent spectral stability. Beyond applications as single photon sources and resources for quantum information processing and communication, these properties are ideal for examining fundamental interactions between light and single quantum emitters. We perform optical extinction measurements on single SiV centers in bulk diamond. This involves detecting interference between the reflection of the incident resonant laser form the diamond surface and the coherent fluorescence of the SiV center. Such investigations can provide a clear idea about the overlaps of orbital wavefunctions by looking into the absorption, scattering and extinction cross-sections of SiV centers in diamond. This technique may also provide a high contrast detection of SiV centers and hence pave the way towards single-shot optical readout of electron spin.

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